Quantenkommunikations Systeme



Dr. Timm GaoThe Performance of Single-Photon Sources for Quantum Key Distribution04/2024


Batikan Canatan, B.Sc.Design and Evaluation of an FPGA-based Driver for Electro-Optical Modulators in Quantum Cryptography2023
Mareike Lach, M.Sc.Development and Analysis of Components for Single-Photon BB84 Quantum Key Distribution in the Telecom C-Band2023
Lukas Otto Markmann, B.Sc.Development of a Relay-Module for Measurement-Device-Independent Single-Photon Quantum Key Distribution2023
Fenja Drauschke, M.Sc.Quantum Coin Flipping with Single-Photon Sources2023
Manuel Rodrigo Lomas Anza, B.Sc.Optische Eigenschaften von InGaAs/GaAs Quantenpunkten in deterministisch hergestellten hybriden zirkularen Bragg Resonatoren2023
Frederik Schröder, M.Sc.Towards Fiber-Coupled Cavity-Enhanced Single-Photon Sources2021
Felix Urban, M.Sc.Development and Analysis of a Receiver Module for BB84 Quantum Key Distribution in the Telecom O-Band2021
Claas Fillies, B.Sc.Numerische Optimierung von Quantenlichtquellen basierend auf zirkularen Bragg-Resonatoren für Emissionswellenlängen im Telekom C-Band2020

Externe Master-/Bachelor-Studierende

Kyano Levi, B.Sc.FU BerlinHardware-Tailored Mutually Unbiased Bases for Full-State Tomography2024
Lena Maria Hansen, M.Sc.Universität WienTemporal-to-Spatial Mode Demultiplexing of Single Photons from a Solid-State Quantum Emitter2022
Lennart Jehle, M.Sc.Fraunhofer HHIDesign and Characterisation of Photonic Integrated Circuits for Quantum Communication2021

Praktikant:innen & Austausch-Studierende

Robert Alexander SchneikerEigeninitiativDeutschland03/2023-04/2023 
Rafał SmolinERASMUS+Polen08/2022-10/2022 
Bhavana PanchumarthiDAAD RISEUSA05/202-08/2022 

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